Community Concerts proudly presents The Fayetteville Performing Arts Hall of Fame. Honoring the creators and performers that gave us the shows that touched our hearts and enrich our lives.

Bill Curtis
Legendary drummer and leader of the Fatback Band.
Elizabeth Macrae
Beloved television and film actress. Best known for her performance as Lou-Ann Poovie in Gomer Pyle, USMC.
Robert Deaton
Fayetteville native, now living in Nashville. Award-winning director and executive producer of the CMA awards.
Past Honorees
- 2019 Giles Blakenship, Jane Weeks Gardiner. Geron Gambill
- 2018 Buck Hodge, Bill Ayerbe
- 2017 Harlan Duenow, Cumberland Oratorio Singers, Alan Porter
- 2016 Fouad Fakhouri, Lynne Robertson O’Quinn, Doyle Wood
- 2015 Charlotte Blume, Laura Stevens, Malachi Sharpe
- 2014 82nd Airborne All-American Chorus
- 2013 Bob A. Haynes, C. Wayne Ham, Raymond H. Codrington, Thomas Bickett Black
- 2012 Wesley Pritchard, Betty K. Howie
- 2011 Mildred Dexter-Rosell, Randy Boone
- 2010 Milton Smith, Sharon McNair, Barbara & Otis Lambert
- 2009 Barbara Ann Lawson, Bo Thorp
- 2008 Joy Cogswell, Lois Lambie, Betty-Neill Parsons